Sunday, June 30, 2013

Beautiful Carina - Portrait Photography Mallorca / Fotografo de retratos en Mallorca

Here is a preview of a modeling session for a beautiful young lady from Germany. It was fun working together in Palma and we look forward to your next visit. 
London, Paris, Rome, Rio, New York and Miami are cool but there is still something special about this beautiful little island of Mallorca.

Aquí está una vista previa de una sesión de modelaje para una mujer joven y bella de Alemania. Fue muy divertido trabajar juntos en Palma y esperamos con interés su próxima visita.
Londres, París, Roma, Río de Janeiro, Nueva York y Miami son frescas, pero todavía hay algo especial acerca de esta pequeña y hermosa isla de Mallorca.



Sunday, June 23, 2013

Toastmasters Conference in Mallorca - Event photographers Mallorca / Fotografos de eventos en Mallorca

Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of helping members improve their communication, public speaking, and leadership skills. Through its thousands of member clubs, Toastmasters International offers a program of communication and leadership projects designed to help people learn the arts of speaking, listening, and thinking.

Mallorca Wordsmiths, the only Tosatmasters club in Mallorca, was hosting The Area H1 Spring Conference earliers this year. The conference was attended by Toastmasters from all over Europe. The three day long event, sponsored by Pieles De Mallorca and supported by Amic Horizonte Hotel, was full of great speakers and workshops related to creativity, finances, conflict management, communication, friendship, love, and more!

For more information about Mallorca Wordmiths please write to: or visit

Mallorca Wordsmiths

Mallorca Wordsmiths

mallorca wordsmiths toastmasters club

mallorca wordsmiths toastmasters club

mallorca wordsmiths toastmasters club

event photographers mallorca

event photographers mallorca

event photographers mallorca

event photographers mallorca

Mallorca Wordsmiths

Toastmasters Mallorca

Toastmasters Mallorca

Toastmasters Mallorca

Toastmasters Mallorca

Toastmasters Mallorca

majorca toastmasters club

mallorca wordsmiths toastmasters club

majorca toastmasters club

majorca toastmasters club

Mallorca Wordsmiths

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Izabela - Portrait Photographers Mallorca / Fotografos de retratos en Mallorca

“The world is like a mirror: frown at it, and it frowns at you. Smile and it smiles, too”
"El mundo es como un espejo: si le muestras mala cara, te pondrá mala cara; sonríe, y te sonreirá" 

Herbert Samuels

Fotografo Mallorca

Fotografo Mallorca

Majorca photographer